The restrictions that we are allowed to travel with change constantly and adapt to changing society. The pandemic has brought about some very severe and stringent changes in travel policy over the last 3 years. To protect our families, friends, and neighbors, we have had to wear masks everywhere. To protect ourselves and our families, we had to be vaccinated. At one point, we had to stop all travel together!
There have been laws and restrictions that have been lifted with positive medical data and the social popularity of marijuana. At the moment, marijuana is legal for adults in 18 US states, and Washington, DC. 38 states and DC have legalized medical marijuana. A few states have also passed cannabis reform legislation in recent months.
It is difficult to travel with weed due to the changing laws and states. Let’s look at some of the best ways to drive and fly with marijuana.
No matter what your trip is, it’s important to do basic research about where you’re going.
You should start by researching your destination and departure cities. This will help you determine if marijuana is legal or illegal.
This applies to both recreational marijuana and hemp-derived cannabis oil (CBD). Some states permit out-of-state patients with medical marijuana to obtain temporary licenses to buy from dispensaries using reciprocity policy. Others don’t.
You can choose to fly the skies or hop on a Greyhound. Each mode of transport will be different depending on what you have restrictions.
People tend to be nervous when flying because it is illegal under federal law. However, the TSA is not there to bust people for marijuana. Their job is to improve the security of our transportation system. During security screening, the TSA doesn’t search for marijuana or any other illegal drugs. They have bigger fish to fry then your vape pen.
It is vital to research your state and learn about driving across state lines. California allows adults to possess up to 28.5g of marijuana and 8g of concentrates. However, possession can still result in a severe penalty in Texas. You could be sentenced to up to 180 days in prison if you possess less than 2 ounces.
In flower form, you’ll need to keep your weed under 1/8th of 3.5 grams when flying in most states. You can keep the same measurements for other types of marijuana, but you will be fine as long as it is under this amount. Any more than that and you run the risk of it being confiscated.
Your marijuana should be kept in your carry-on! Keep it out of reach from the TSA. Although it may seem contrary to what you should do, the TSA isn’t concerned about your marijuana.
You should exercise caution when driving. To avoid possible DUI consideration, you should always keep any marijuana you may have with you in your trunk. Police will check state plates with lower restrictions for marijuana if you drive from an illegal state to a legal one. Don’t make your car a smoking hotbox by throwing smoke out the windows. You could be charged with a DUI, face high-priced fines and even get jail time.
It’s your decision what to carry.
Before you go on your next trip, a simple checklist is to do your research and keep your quality low. Don’t be too proud of yourself. You won’t raise any red flags as long as you’re safe, smart, and comfortable.
It may be more convenient to visit a state with legal and medical marijuana. This is a great reason for you to stop by a local dispensary. Many stores are reminiscent of Apple Genius bars or trendy pop-up shops. You have a wide range of sales and customer service options. You can also invest in and support local businesses and communities. Keep your eyes on green trends.
Be green, and be smart about it!